Ο Rogue Audio Hydra ειναι υβριδικος Tube/Class D τελικος ενισχυτης , ισχυος 2x100wrms at 8ohms και 2x200wrms at 4ohms. Διαθετει εισοδους RCA και XLR.
Made in USA. Εγγυηση αντιπροσωπειας 3 ετη. Δυνατοτητα ανταλλαγων και δοσεων.
Imagine a new kind of amplifier that combines the best of both the solid state and tube technologies. An energy efficient "green" design requiring no tube biasing or regular maintenance. An amplifier having the smooth and organic sound that only tubes can provide combined with the dynamics and slam of the solid state. Such an amplifier now exists! Critics are already using words like "Groundbreaking" and "Revolutionary" to describe our new tube/Class D hybrid amplifiers.
These new amplifiers are much more than simply a tube circuit placed in front of a class D output section. Our proprietary tubeD™ circuit topology actually integrates the tube section into the amplifier yielding the smooth natural sound that only a tube amp can provide. With almost uncanny accuracy the Dragon and Hydra amps deliver stunning dynamics and transparency without any of the edgy, etched or grainy sound that often accompanies solid state designs. A low power standby mode allows critical amplifier sections to remain continuously powered on (if desired) and a slow start feature allows the tubes to warm up gradually to eliminate turn-on noise and greatly extend tube life. Three massive linear power supplies are used to power the amplifier circuitry and ultra-high quality parts are used exclusively throughout the design. Combined with a stunning appearance, you can be certain that you are investing in an amplifier that truly represents the very leading edge of audio technology.
General Features: